Monday, February 13, 2012

It's been awhile.

Wow. What a week. Just one of those weeks where I've been slightly off my game all week. Forgetting books, grabbing the wrong book, sleeping through class due to an alarm mishap, forgetting my wallet at home, getting a mild cold. All in one week. It sure brings a lot of stress. On top of that, we've had sickness and guest speakers to interfere with our rehearsal schedule for Beyond Therapy. All in all, however, it's been a good week. Rehearsals are going great! When they actually happen. Characterizations are getting close, blocking is getting finalized, new ideas pop up and are executed. The show is evolving quite well. It's quite exciting. I finished writing a play for English class pitting the drive for getting ahead at work against family. I think it's interesting. It's the first dramatic piece that I've written. I think it turned out alright.

I finished my mashup! It took forever. iMovie is so counter-intuitive and absurd to use, but I got through it nonetheless. Here's the link. Check it out. Tell your friends.

Anyways, I'm working on a website to put up a digital portfolio, while also working on a physical portfolio. Things are well. Watched Psycho in Film Analysis this week. Watched The Big Sleep and Megamind on Netflix. Megamind was fantastic! Great twist on a pretty familiar story. The Big Sleep was a pretty excellent Film Noir story that is what The Big Lebowski is loosely based on and named after.
Anyways, that's all I've got today. Hope things are well for everyone.

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